Thursday, August 22, 2013

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning?

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning?

The lemon (Citrus × limon) is a small evergreen tree native to Asia, and the tree’s ellipsoidal yellow fruit. The fruit’s juice, pulp and peel, especially the zest, are used as foods. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, which gives lemons a sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemon juice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such as lemonade, cocktails and soft drinks.

Lemon juice is also used as a short-term preservative on certain foods that tend to oxidize and turn brown after being sliced, such as apples, bananas and avocados, where its acid denatures the enzymes that cause browning and degradation.

Apart from the above mentioned use of lemons, here we are presenting you with a few reasons why you should drink lemon water in the morning with flat tummy.

No! here we are not asking you to stop drinking your soothing morning cup of coffee which is great in taste and the warmth, smell it welcomes you with is just indescribable, just postpone that cup for a good 30 minutes. Facts listed down here will surely make you give it a try and please try it for at least 28 days. Why 28? because that’s how long it takes to form any habit.

Alkalizing in Nature

Human body performs best when it’s more alkaline, on the other hand acidic bodies are prone to cancer cell formation. Lemon although being an acidic fruit acts as an alkalizing agent when it enters the human body and lowers the acid levels.

Due to the foods we eat, things our skin is exposed to and the environment we are living in most of the people have very acidic body and lemon water helps decrease the pH level.

Packed with essential nutrients

Lemon is vitamin-rich and contains vitamin C (anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial & effective for supporting the immune system), vitamin B (increases energy), riboflavin (protects against tissue damage) and also contain minerals like phosphorus, calcium and magnesium which are important for building bones and teeth.

Helps Liver Eliminate Toxins and Waste Products

Our liver is responsible for detoxification, protein synthesis and production of bio chemicals to support our digestive system. Lemon water benefits the liver by increasing the level of detoxifying enzymes, as a result liver function is improved. Lemon being diuretic in nature increases the rate of urination and therefore it purifies the blood.

Cheap Remedy for Wrinkles

Lemon helps to remove wrinkles and also improves the appearance of the skin. The presence of too many toxins in our body makes it look unhealthy and since lemon water fights that, you’ll get a clear glowing skin. The citric acid contents present in the lemon also helps fight acne. So the cheapest remedy for glowing acne and wrinkle free skin is a small cup of lemon water every morning.

Easy Weight Loss Remedy

A liver containing high amount of toxins can slow down the process of metabolism as a result more accumulation of fat takes place in the body. Not only does the lemon eliminate those harmful toxins but also help to burn fats. A healthy diet, regular exercise and a glass of lemon water can help reduce the excess fat effectively. Lemon can also control hunger craving because of the high pectin fiber contents present in it.

Cures Respiratory Problems & Freshens Breath

If you need to get rid of cough and chest infections then lemon water is an ideal remedy for you. In fact, you can consider it as a vitamin C supplement. It is also beneficial for asthma patients and people having allergies.

Toothache, gingivitis and other oral health related problems can be effectively treated with its use. It also makes your breath fresh. But when using lemon, be careful as it can damage the tooth enamel.

To conclude for this session here is how you can make one for yourself from tomorrow morning:

  • Fill a glass with warm water (you can take water at room temperature or cold it doesn’t really matter but people with digestive problems, use warm water)

  • Squeeze the juice of 1/2 fresh lemon into glass of water. (The water will turn cloudy)

  • Mix well and drink

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