Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Benefits of Fruit and Vegetables

The Benefits of Fruit and Vegetables

Benefits of Fruit

  • Help Digestion

  • Helps Build Strong Bones

  • Provide Antioxidants

  • Helps break down blood clots

  • Improves mood, reduces depression

  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Aids in good looking complexion

  • Cleanses the blood stream

  • Improves your breath!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How You can Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

How You can Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

So your doctor told you that you have high cholesterol levels? Don’t worry! We are here for your help. But first it is important to understand why it is so bad for you.

LDL or “bad” cholesterol is a fatty substance. Too much accumulation of this substance in the blood can cause arteries to clog, which ultimately results in a stroke or a heart attack.

Cholesterol is produced by the body naturally. However, there are some other factors involved that can cause an increased production of bad cholesterol. It can be genetically inherited from parents and even grandparents. Also consuming foods rich in tans fats and saturated fats can increase cholesterol levels in the body.

LDL is considered very high if you get a reading of 190 mg/dL, even levels ranging from 160 to 189 are considered high, and the borderline levels are from 130 to 159. Cholesterol levels within the range of 100 to 129 are considered optimal. People with a family history of heart disease should maintain their LDL levels up to 70 mg/dL.

Just as too much LDL production is bad for the body in the same way low levels of HDL also known as “good” cholesterol is also not good for your body. Your aim should be to decrease the LDL levels and increase the HDL levels. It is also said that it is easier to push LDL levels down than to raise HDL levels up. HDL levels equal to 60 mg/dL or above are considered to be heart protecting.

By making some lifestyle and dietary modifications you can reduce bad cholesterol levels and at the same time you can increase your good cholesterol levels in the body. Here are some measures you can take.


A well-balanced diet containing lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish is essential for maintaining low cholesterol levels. Avoid meat and dairy products. You can also follow the DASH diet plan also known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet. Dean Ornish, the founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California claims that diet,

stress reduction and exercise can lower LDL by 40% and also helps to remove plaque from the arteries.

Here is a list of some foods that are particularly effective in lowering LDL levels. They are salmon, avocados, nuts, garlic, olive oil, spinach, green tea, dark chocolate, beans and oats.

Lose Weight

By losing your weight up to 10% or more you can get rid of high levels of LDL. You can achieve this goal by making some dietary changes and taking exercise regularly. Keep in mind, the trick is not only to lose the weight but also to maintain it.

Avoid Saturated fats

Saturated fats are one of the major diet-linked causes of high levels of LDL. These fats are usually obtained from pork, poultry, beef, lamb, milk, cream and butter. You can also find them in coconut oil, palm oil and cocoa butter. Limit the consumption of these foods to decrease the levels of bad cholesterol. The American Heart Association suggests that not more than 7% of calories should be taken from sources containing saturated fats. This is what a nutritionist has to say, “A reduction in saturated fats by a moderate amount will reduce LDL.”

Limit Trans Fats

Your diet shouldn’t consist of calories from trans fats more than 1% in a day. You can find trans fats in processed foods, animal products, hydrogenated margarine, cooking oils and shortening. Trans fats lower HDL and increase LDL levels. According to American Heart Association, 75% of the trans fats in American diet comes from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Avoid consuming trans fats as much as possible. There are many restaurants that have switched to trans fat free menu, in California and New York. Always check the food labels before buying packaged food products. Barry Franklin, director of cardiac rehabilitation at the William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan, says, “Look at the ingredients, and if ingredients say hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, there are trans fats in there.”

Quit Smoking

Smoking may stop you from reaching your healthful goals of low LDL. It is also known for decreasing HDL levels. So to reach your desired cholesterol goals quit smoking.


Taking regular exercise can lower the levels of LDL and increase HDL levels. Taking aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, every 5 days a week can increase HDL levels by 5 to 10%.


Supplements containing soluble fiber and plant sterols can prove to be effective for lowering the LDL levels. You may find these supplements at health food stores. Plant sterols are also found in fortified foods such as rice milk, orange juice and margarine and can reduce LDL levels by 15%. You can find soluble fibers in some natural foods such as nuts, flax seeds, oats and pshyllium husk or in dietary supplements like Metamucil.

These food supplements along with healthy diet and regular exercise can reduce bad cholesterol levels by 20 to 40%.

Tips for People who have Allergies

Tips for People who have Allergies

People all over the globe, struggle with different types of allergies. Some have pollen allergy while others are allergic to animal dander. Whatever the cause of the allergy may be, it is important to take some serious measures to avoid such conditions for a healthy life.

Firstly, it is important to understand the difference between allergens and irritants. Irritants are the substances that can be irksome such as chemical fumes, cigarette smoke, paper dust or perfume spray. Such substances do not put you to a health risk. Whereas, exposure to allergens can cause physical reactions in the body; this is because of the presence of unnatural proteins in the allergens.

Constant exposure to the allergens can weaken the immune system, so it is important to know what triggers your allergy.

As they say, “prevention is better than cure”, so here we have some preventive measures that you can take to help you keep your allergies away. Keep in mind that most of the allergies are treated in the similar way.

Tip no.1

If you have a bad allergy, avoid doing yard work as much as possible. Usually the pollen and mold is stirred up when you mow the lawn, especially in the pollen season. Even raking leaves can stir up allergens.

Tip no.2

If you spend the day outside while working or for any other reason, make sure you take a shower before going to your bed. If you will not wash off the pollen and allergens from your hair and body, this may trouble you to fall asleep and can also cause you a severe allergic reaction. The best thing you can do is take a shower immediately after you step inside your home. Keep your dirty clothes in a closed hamper, as the pollen sticking on them can also trigger allergy.

Tip no.3

Most of the people assume that allergic reactions caused by animal dander come from cats and dogs only. The fact is that most of the household critters can trigger allergies such as mice, hamsters, ferrets and birds. The only critters that rarely cause an allergy are reptiles, amphibians and fish. So if you are allergic to dander and you plan to buy a pet keep in mind the above mentioned points.

Tip no.4

Always remember to keep your homes dust free. Use vacuum cleaner more often. In most of the houses some rooms are carpeted, these carpets are home to the allergens and irritants that can trigger allergic reactions. An ordinary vacuum is not enough to do the job. Choose the vacuum with filters or bags that feature HEPA (air purifier) technology.

Tip no.5

People who are sensitive to fragrances and dyes should watch out for products that contain such substances. It is advised to use unscented and clear, hand soap, body wash, laundry soap, dish detergents, baby wipes and other such products. Also avoid using perfumes and body sprays in excess.

Tip no.6

Those who have seasonal allergies should be careful with cut flowers, as they can release pollen in the air and cause allergic symptoms. Instead, you can choose artificial flowers and you won’t even have to keep them in water. You can also choose green plants that do not release any pollen.

Tip no.7

During the pollen season reduce your exposure to potential allergens. Try to keep the windows and doors closed of your house to keep the pollen from entering.

Tip no.8

Up to 30% people have cross-sensitivity, meaning that those who suffer from seasonal allergies are also susceptible to food allergies, and both may react at the same time. In such conditions burning, tingling or itchy sensation may occur in the throat as a result of the reaction between pollen and foods. Those who are allergic to grass pollens should stay away from tomatoes, oranges and melons.

Tip no. 9

The overstuffed chairs, sofas and loveseats might look stylish by they can mess up with your allergies. Studies reveal that such type of furniture is stuffed up with “higher-than-average” amount of harmful allergens including burlap, jute, goat hair and cattle dander. Such decorative pieces can put you at high health risks.

Tip no. 10

You can use a neti-pot which allows you to clear your nasal passage. A neti pot resembles a small tea pot. Put a little water and a pinch of salt in it and pour this water in your one nostril and let it flow out of the other nostril. This will ease out your breathing. Use non-iodized salt.

Tip no. 11

People allergic to dust mites and other insects should wash their bedding on weekly basis, in hot water. When buying pillows and mattresses, make sure that they are made up of allergen proof materials. Always seal the trash bags so that insects are not attracted to them.

Tip no. 12

If you have allergies such as allergic rhinitis, limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can cause nasal congestion even if taken in small quantity.

By following these tips you may get rid of many triggering factors of your allergy. Enjoy a healthy, happy, allergy-free life.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Top 30 Health Tips

Top 30 Health Tips

A garlic a day: Garlic is the mother of all cures. Researchers in Liverpool have found that 5ml of garlic extract lower levels of a disease-causing chemical by up to 48 per cent.

Eat wholegrain foods: Make sure you have whole-grain bread, rice or pasta at least four times a week and you will reduce the chance of having cancer by 40 per cent.

Take care of your skin: Always wear sun-screen lotion during summers. It is advisable to use winter care creams to overcome the harsh and cold winds. The best cure is to smile through and your skin will shine with an extra dash. It’s no big secret!

Eat plenty of fish: Fish is the recommended diet for a longer healthier life. Studies have found that those who regularly ate fish were up to one-third less likely to get heart diesease than those who ate it less than once a month.

Try Tea: Tea is always good. Being a heavy tea-drinker can never have nagative effects. The protective effects of tea increase with the amount drunk, and people who are regular tea drinkers are the least likely to die of a heart attack.

Stop smoking: Do not smoke your health away. Nicotine pathces, gums or inhalers might work for some individuals, or other methods, from hypnosis to acupuncture. More you are to smoke, more likely your are to develop cancer or heart disease.

Walk for Health: There is nothing better than walking. Walking a mile everyday, or taking reasonable exercise three times a week, promises to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as strengthens bones and keeps them strong.

Never sleep over a backache: It is never advisable to sleep over a backache. Research shows that people who take to their beds with backache take the longest time to recover. Those who avoid bed-rest and continue normal activities as much as possible have less pain.

Water spells health: Water flushes out the toxins. A good amount of liquid intake helps the entire system and of course is best for curing skin ailments. The average man needs 2.9 litres, or about 12 cups of water, a day and woman needs about 2.2 litres.

Stop bad breath: You can prevent that unfriendly odour. It is caused by oral bacteria. A toungue scraper may help, but dental care may be needed. Mouth rinses are effective, as are flossing and brushing teeth twice a day.

Slow down on the junk: Research shows that eating too many high-fat-food contributes to high blood-cholestrol levels, which can cause hardening of the arteries, coronory heart disease and stroke.

Cut back on salt: Health Organisation recommend no more than five grams a day. Too much salt can lead to stroke and heart problems.

Drink wine: Research suggests that the equivalent of a couple of glasses of wine a day may be good for health. It can also help you keep a good mental frame.

Spouse can matter: A man in poor health in his 50s is six times more likely to be affected if married to a woman who is also in poor health.

Eat right for better teeth: Your pearly whites can gleam. Eat apples, oranges, celery, carrots and high fiber green.

Make love: There is no better medicine than to have sex. people who have sex at least twice a week get protective boost from their immune systems. Of course it relaxes the mind.

Crash diets don’t work: The so called new-age diets do not add to health prospects. There is no easy way to lose weight so the best way is to do it over a period of time.

Coffee is good: Researchers have found that two to four cups of coffee daily can lower the risk of colon cancer by 25 per cent.

Being overweight is dangerous: Loose the extra kilos. Over weight people cut 20 weeks of their life for every excess kilogram, according to new research.

Supplement with selenium: Research has shown that people who took a daily supplement of selenium had a 37 per cent reduction in cancers.

Lower you cholesterol: Work on reducing your cholestrol. This can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke even when your level is not high. Exercise to reduce weight.

Asprin is a wonder drug: Asprin can actually do wonders. It helps to reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease and cancers, including of the colon, oesophagus, stomach, rectum, prostrate. cent.

Change your job: If the workplace is what bothers you. Simply quit! Consider becoming a salesperson. Salespeople are least likely to have a work-related illness.

Socialising is good: Meeting friends and relatives is recommended. Weekly socialising improves the memory, concentration and problem solving skills.

Learn to relax: Unwind, take up a hobby and start socialising. This fights stress and depression.

Fruits and vegetables help: Have at least five portions of vegetables and fruit a day, especially tomatoes, red grapes.

Sing to stay healthy: Singing is good for the mind and body. it is relaxing, improves breathing and muscle tone.

Vitamins are vital: A multivit a day keeps the tablet away, but be sure it contains at least 200 meg of folic acid.

Sleep well: There is nothing like a good sleep. Sleep primes the immune system. Most people need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.

Or just hum…: Humming helps. Daily humming is a good way to increase ventilation in the sinuses.

Monday, July 1, 2013

5 Home Remedies For Moisturizing The Skin

5 Home Remedies For Moisturizing The Skin


To get a compliment like, “Skin like buttermilk”, you will actually need to bathe in it. Butter milk contains lactic acid. It is one of the hydroxy acids, if you look at the ingredients of skin improving lotions you might find hydroxy acids like alpha-hydroxy and beta-hydroxy on the list.

How can lactic acid work? It works like an exfoliant for the skin, it removes dry and dead skin cells while moisturizing it and making it look younger and fresher.

Now you don’t need to fill your bath tub with buttermilk to get the benefits. Just dab a clean face cloth in cold buttermilk and apply it your face and other parts of the body. Rinse after five minutes gently, leaving some of the lactic acid behind. Voila, instant relief right from your refrigerator.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is one of the natural ingredients that are being used since ancient times for moisturizing skin. The nut from the fruit of shea tree is used to produce shea butter. This rare tree is only found in Africa and takes 15 to 30 years to produce fruit. Lucky for you, to get the beneficial results you won’t have to wait for that long because the moment you will apply it on the face your problem would be solved.

You will find rich contents of vitamin A which is helpful in retaining skin’s natural moisture. Vitamin A can help you to treat eczema, sunburns, insect bites and dermatitis.

Another important component found in shea butter is vitamin F or the combination of two fatty acids i.e. omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are helpful in repairing the damaged skin cells and also facilitates the growth of new cells as a result you get rejuvenated skin.

When buying shea butter look for its date of production as a product more than 18 months old would contain less of a healing compounds called cinnamic acid. Look for 100% shea butter, prepared without any filler.

Olive Oil

Lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attack, fights cancer, improves bone mass, lessens inflammation, keeps weight in control, regulates blood sugar levels and reduces cholesterol, these are the internal benefits of olive, but it can also work wonders if applied externally on your skin.

Since ancient times, the Greeks used olive oil for bathing. You can either pour a few drops of olive oil in your warm bath or simply dab a piece of clean cloth in olive oil and apply to your skin or on dry patches.

The natural compound of skin known as linoleic acid is found in olive oil, which prevents the skin from losing its natural moisture. Linoleic acid cannot be manufactured by the body on its own, so it must come from other sources and olive oil is one such source.

Olive oil is also effective for treating skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and rosacea. It has been found effective for treating inflammation and for soothing burns. It also protects the skin from the UV rays.


Did you know that avocados are good for your skin? The oil contained in avocados work like an emollient, it helps to lubricate the cells forming the outer layer of the skin. Your skin would love to drink it up, as it has “transepidermal penetration capacity”.

Avocados contain high amounts of vitamin A, D and E and fats, these nutrients are essential for keeping the skin moisturized and also reduce wrinkles. All you have to do is take some pureed avocado and apply it to your face or to the problem area for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash off.


The sweet tasting honey is not only good for your tummy but also for your skin! “It’s a natural humectant, which means that it has the ability to draw water molecules from the air toward your skin, helping to keep it moisture-rich,” says a dermatologist. For this reason it is one of the best remedies for preventing wrinkles.

It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties and is one of the best options for healing wounds.

To make the best use of honey for skin, mix together 2 tablespoons of honey in the same amount of water, apply this sweet mixture to your face or effected area for 10 minutes. Your dry skin would be treated effectively.

Health benefits of Coconut Water

Health benefits of Coconut Water

Just kick back, relax and sip on the healthy nutrients of coconut water. You can rank it among the world’s best energy drinks. Best part is that it is all natural. Yes! No added sugar!

From where can you get this drink?

Simple! Take a fresh, green, immature coconut, 5 months old would be good enough and make a hole in it. Extract all the water in a container and pour it in a glass. Take a sip and enjoy the refreshing drink!

A single nut can give you 200 ml to 1000 ml of the water. Do not take very immature coconuts as their water will have a bitter taste and would not contain many nutrients, 5 to 7 months old coconut has a sweet taste.

Coconut water is rich in potassium; the potassium contents are higher in it than artificially made energy drinks. There are 118 g of chlorides and 5mg of sugars. A single cut of this refreshing drink only gives you 50 calories. This miracle drink contains a large number of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and cytokine. Good news is that coconut has more nutritional power than milk.

It contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, riboflavin, thiamine, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. All of these nutrients contain some healing properties. This is how they can help:

Cure Dehydration

The combination of some powerful vitamins and minerals are beneficial for replacing the lost nutrients and body fluid in diarrhea. The drink is ideal for conditions like dehydration, because it contains rich amount of electrolytes. It is also effective for dehydration caused by cholera, dysentery and stomach flu.

Universal donor

Did you know that coconut water was once used as “universal donor”? It is believed that coconut water resembles human blood plasma. In the Pacific War, Coconut IV’s were used for emergency plasma transfusions to the save lives of thousands of people.

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine published a study that suggested, “Coconut water can be successfully used as a short term intravenous hydration fluid for hydration and resuscitation of critically ill patients in the remote regions of the world where medical resources are not available.”

Boosts Energy

Coconut water is an ideal sports drink because it provides tremendous amount of energy. Unlike other artificially made energy drinks, you get high amounts of potassium, chlorides and calcium plus other vitamins and minerals and low contents of sodium and sugars from coconut water. Moreover, it contains fewer amounts of calories so you can use it for rehydrating yourself after a strenuous work out.

Effective for Weight Loss

As mentioned above the drink is contains low amount of calories.

1cup= 50 calories

It is ideal for people who are trying to lose weight. Firstly, because it is a low fat drink and secondly, it is packed with powerful nutrients that gives you a feeling of fullness and reduces cravings for food.

Beneficial for Skin

Coconut water contains cytokinins, an age defying component that regulates the growth and division of the cell. Cytokinins along with the power of lauric acid, balance ph levels, strengthen the connective tissues and minimize the aging of the cells of the skin.

Just apply some coconut water on your skin at night before going to bed and get rid of dark spots, wrinkles, eczema, acne and stretch marks. Your skin will get clear within 2 to 3 weeks.

Promotes Heart Health

The high contents of potassium and magnesium present in coconut water are beneficial for reducing high blood pressure and also reduce the risk of strokes. Usually high blood pressure is caused by the low potassium levels, by drinking coconut water regularly this deficiency can be cured.

Some preliminary researches also suggest that by consuming coconut water cholesterol levels can be reduced. It also increases HDL (good cholesterol) which promotes cardiovascular health.

Good for diabetics

Coconut is a food that ranks low on the Glycemic Index. Therefore, people with diabetes can consume it without any fear. Moreover, there are some nutrients found in coconut that can actually help lower blood sugar.


Next time you catch a cold, treat yourself with coconut water. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that can effectively cure flu, herpes and other viral diseases.

Reduces Kidney Stones

The potassium and magnesium contents present in coconut water can prevent the risk of kidney stones.

Side effects

Good news! Coconut water does not have any side effects. However, people with severe nut allergies should avoid using it. It is also safe for kids and pregnant women.


Once you cut open a coconut, consume its water right away because exposure to the air can make it lose some essential nutrients. You can also find coconut water in bottled form but it will contain low amount of nutrients and more preservatives. Or you can buy fresh coconuts from Asian food stores. You can keep an unopened coconut for 5 to 10 days at room temperature.

Do not confuse coconut water with coconut milk. Coconut milk is obtained by grinding the meat of the mature coconut which is then passed through a sieve to obtain the white liquid. A cup of coconut milk contains 550 calories and contains high contents of fats.

So beat the summer heat with the revitalizing coconut water!