Monday, June 24, 2013

Health Tips for monsoon.

Health Tips for monsoon.

First thing which the word MONSOON brings in our mind is fun, enjoyment and of course water logging. This effects your outdoor activities like going to market, shopping and even going to gym. Now a days people are very conscious about their health so going for morning walk or an evening walk are on most people’s schedule.  However, the morning drizzles or evening showers might hamper this walk. So, does it mean that you sit at home and toss away all your regular fitness regimen?

Absolutely not! Here are some great ways to following a monsoon fitness regimen and remain fit and active during the rainy season.

Monsoon Fitness Tips For Exercising In The House -

1.You usually go for your walk or visit the gym at a scheduled time. Stick to the same time plan for your workout sessions at home. Also, dress the same way you do when you go out for a workout. Start with simple stretching exercises to warm-up.

2. Purchase few simple exercising devices like dumbbells, skipping rope etc. If you always wanted to buy an indoor cycle or treadmill, this is the right time. It’s a good option, as they can be used again during your next indoor monsoon workout session.

3. If you are someone who is not into working out in the gym, you can do some simple exercises at home as well. Sit-ups, waist bends, knee bends, calf exercises etc. are great ways to flex your muscles.

4. The stairs in your house are superb exercising device themselves. Walking up and down the stairs, is a superb tip for a good monsoon fitness.

5. Practice yoga. Yoga is an exercise that can be performed both indoors and outdoors. Select an airy spot in your house practice simple asanas to keep yourself fit. Yoga also helps reduce respiratory problems that are very common during the monsoon season.

6. An indoor jog on the spot or around a house jog is also beneficial. This monsoon fitness tip comes in handy when you want to shed off the extra fat accumulated through munching on tasty monsoon snacks. is one important way to shed off the extra fat.

7. If you love to dance, dance like nobody is watching. This helps you keep yourself flexible. This a fun tip to enjoy your indoor monsoon workout.

8. Cleaning your house is the best way to keep yourself from becoming a couch potato. Whenever there is a drizzle outside and you are stuck indoors for a couple of hours, clean out the shelves, cupboards or rooms .

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